Grant Contract Signing Ceremony for the GGP 2024 has been held (16 October 2024)

On 16 October 2024, the Grant Contract for the Japanese Government’s Grant Assistance for Grass Roots and Human Security Projects (GGP) have been signed. The signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Keisuke YAMANAKA, Charge d’ Affaires of the Embassy of Japan in Kosovo, Ms. DUSHI, Incoming Governor for District of Kosovo and Albania, Mr. HAJDARI, Acting Head of University Clinical Center of Kosovo, Ms. TURKESHI, President of Rotary Club Prishtina and collegues from Rotary Club Prishtina and University Clinical Center of Kosovo.
The Project for the Construction of Radiometabolic Facility to the University Clinical Center of Kosovo” with the amount of 107,999 euros.
This project aims to establish a radiometabolic unit for the treatment of thyroid cancer patients receiving radiotherapy at the University Clinical Center, Department of Nuclear Medicine. This is the first facility for this medical treatment to be established in Kosovo. The expected beneficiaries are approximately 100 patients per year.